Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program | Program Overview

Program Overview


  • Financial support which includes $12,000 scholarship per academic year for up to two years.
  • Paid six-week summer research experience for $1650.00
  • Opportunities to conduct research with university faculty and community representatives in your field of study.
  • Informational seminars and workshops on a variety of STEM and teacher preparation topics.
  • Opportunity to work in high-needs schools during the program. 
  • Mentoring program supported by Lewis University for your beginning years of teaching.
  • Membership in the Lewis University Noyce Scholars communities of practice and NSF Noyce scholar’s network.

Expectations of Scholarship

  • Maintain a 3.0 GPA.
  • Participate in planned content and pedagogical workshops.
  • Conduct and present research related to your field of study or teaching practice. 
  • Attend/present at regional and/or national conferences.
  • Participation in the community of practice.
  • Remain in contact with Lewis University following graduation.
  • Teach in a high-needs school district.

Project Partnership Schools

Lewis University has partnered with schools in the region for recruiting and student teaching purposes.
Partnerships with High-Need School Districts: To meet the needs of neighboring schools, Lewis has partnered with neighboring districts  (Bremen High School, Joliet Township High School District 204 and Valley View Public School District U365).

Noyce scholars will have additional opportunities to work in one of the partnerships schools with a highly qualified mentor teacher to complete their 15-week, full-time, clinical practice assignment.

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