News & Events Ranks Lewis as a Top Illinois Private University Ranks Lewis University as a Top Illinois Private University

Published: July 8, 2024.

The "Best Colleges in America 2024” ranking features Lewis University as one of the Top 11 private, non-profit higher education institutions in Illinois.

The personal financial strategy website analyzed the nation’s top 745 colleges to find the best in quality and affordability by evaluating dozens of data points, including graduation rates, cost of attendance, financial aid, and alumni salaries.

Lewis University earned a 4.5 on a five-star rating system. The only private, non-profit schools based in Illinois that received a five-star rating were Northwestern and the University of Chicago.

Visit to see the complete list.

Lewis University is an innovative Catholic university offering market-relevant undergraduate and graduate programs to 6,500 students. Sponsored by the De La Salle Christian Brothers, Lewis University is nationally recognized for preparing intellectually engaged, ethically grounded, and globally-connected graduates who impact the world for the better. Visit for further information.

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