Higher Learning Commission Approves Lewis and St. Augustine Merger
Published: November 7, 2023.
At its November 2, 2023, Higher Learning Commission Board of Trustees Meeting, the Board approved our Change of Control application and Plan of Merger agreement with St. Augustine College. This allows our legal and corporate merger through the State of Illinois and the Illinois Board of Higher Education to proceed on December 1, 2023.
Next Steps
While we will remain separately accredited institutions until receiving final approval from the Department of Education (DOE), by becoming one corporate entity, St. Augustine College employees will transition to Lewis University employees effective December 1, with all associated benefits and privileges. We enthusiastically welcome our “new” colleagues from St. Augustine, who will work with us in Association to serve a growing number of students throughout Chicagoland and beyond.
As part of the two-step process outlined by the Department of Education (DOE), St. Augustine College students will remain enrolled in St. Augustine College degree programs until final approval is granted, whereby, we will complete the full merger, legally and academically.
Our Shared Future
Since the announcement of our plans to merge in Spring 2023, we have made significant progress in the planned integration of Lewis University and St. Augustine College. The opportunity to create a united future centered around a shared mission for student success was unanimously endorsed by both Boards of Trustees, the Christian Brothers of the Midwest District and the founders of St. Augustine College.
Lewis University is an innovative Catholic university offering market-relevant undergraduate and graduate programs to 6,500 students. Sponsored by the De La Salle Christian Brothers, Lewis University is nationally recognized for preparing intellectually engaged, ethically grounded, and globally-connected graduates who impact the world for the better. Visit www.lewisu.edu for further information.
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