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Keleher Honored for Advancing Diversity in Chemical Sciences

Dr. Keleher Honored for Advancing Diversity in Chemical Sciences

Published: June 8, 2017.

The American Chemical Society Committee on Minority Affairs is honoring Dr. Jason Keleher, chair and associate professor of Chemistry at Lewis University in Illinois, with the Stanley C. Israel Region Award. It recognizes individuals and/or institutions who have advanced diversity in the chemical sciences and significantly stimulated or fostered activities that promote inclusiveness within the Great Lakes Region.

During his time at Lewis University, Keleher has been an avid supporter and promoter of research as a part of the undergraduate curriculum. The mentor helped support his students’ research through grants awarded by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and industrial partnerships. In addition to creating a unique active learning environment at Lewis University, he also has significantly improved and promoted the STEM disciplines. He was recently awarded an NSF grant to support undergraduate students pursuing a STEM education. The program enhanced learning opportunities for students and provided financial support for incoming undergraduates from traditionally underrepresented areas.

In addition to his acceptance of this award, many of Keleher’s students were accepted to present their work at the Regional ACS Meeting in Fargo, North Dakota. The projects that will be presented include Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP), water filtration applications, microbial fuel cells, nanocomposites for wound management, pesticides absorption studies, and laser light mitigation for aviation safety applications.

Keleher is also a strong advocate for active participation in community outreach. He has been active in several organizations at Lewis University, including the American Chemical Society and the Electrochemical Society student chapters.

In the fall, Keleher plans to continue his outreach by using the Stanley C. Israel Region Award $1,000 grant to fund activities at Lewis University related to supporting diversity in the chemical sciences.

Lewis University is an innovative and entrepreneurial Catholic university offering market-relevant undergraduate and graduate programs to 6,500 students. Sponsored by the De La Salle Christian Brothers, Lewis University is nationally recognized for preparing intellectually engaged, ethically grounded, globally connected and socially responsible graduates. Visit www.lewisu.edu for further information.

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